Monday, December 14, 2009

Lala is moving!

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Once you start, you can't stop!!!!

3rd letter frm school..(rp is very efficient huh)

since the first morning, i overslept and woke up in shock ( u shld really see my face, hahaha)

the vicious cycle begins.....!!!!! (wahaha)

tink (is a nice number) of 10! in total of classes i have skipped so far ( never happened in lala's history)

i tink the 4th letter shld be reaching this coming week,

hmm... shall rush to the letterbox before my mama (chiong ar!!! mama always opened faster than mi)

wish mi luck frens (runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!)